Vida Selvagem a conversation with Ana Luisa Santos Ateles Films

À conversa com a cineasta Ana Luisa Santos

Junta de Freguesia de Alburitel Junta de Freguesia de Alburitel Last month, Ana Luisa Santos of Ateles Films had the pleasure of giving a seminar on wildlife filmmaking at the Junta de Freguesia de Alburitel in Portugal, where she shared insights in her mother-tong from her decade-long journey as a professional filmmaker in the wild. …

Guest Lecture for Royal Academy of Art KABK - Given by Ateles Films Ana Luisa Santos Michael Sanderson

Ateles Films invited as a Guest lecture in the Royal Academy of Art

On March 28, 2024, Ateles Films gave a guest lecture on “Wildlife Filmmaking” to the students of the Master Non-Linear Narrative program at the Royal Academy of Art, invited by the renowned Maartje Nevejan. The day was spent in the coastal dunes of Scheveningen, where students engaged and had hands-on fieldwork opportunities with Red Digital …

WFFR 2023 – Michael Sanderson at the Celebration of 10 years De Nieuwe Wildernis

“10 years of De Nieuwe Wildernis (The New Wilderness)” On Sunday, November 5th 2023, Wildlife Film Festival Rotterdam commemorated the 10th anniversary of The New Wilderness. This 2013 film is the most successful nature film ever made in the Netherlands and a milestone in the history of Dutch nature films. The film was also a …

Silbersalz 2023 Ateles Films Ana Luisa Santos Moderator

Ana Luisa Santos at the Silbersalz Film Festival 2023

Ateles Films’ Ana Luisa Santos attended the 6th SILBERSALZ Science & Media Festival in Halle, Germany, which had a record attendance of 30,000 guests who visited more than 80 Films, talks, exhibitions, performances, participatory actions and events.  Alongside the festival were various other industry events including the first DC Powerhouse which contained the Progress History Summit …

Jackson Wild Summit 2023 - Ateles Films - Ana Luis Santos Michael Sanderson

Ateles Films back at Jackson Wild Summit 2023 since covid pandemic

Between September 25 and 28, Ana Luisa Santos and Michael Sanderson of Ateles Films participated in the Jackson Wild Summit held in Jackson, Wyoming. This summit marked the first in-person event in the United States since 2019. Both Ana Luisa and Michael served as judges judges for the Writing and Cinematography categories, respectively. The Summit …

Silbersalz Ateles Films

Silbersalz Science & Media Festival 2023

We are delighted to announce that Ana Luísa Santos and Michael Sanderson from Ateles Films served as preliminary judges for the prestigious international SILBERSALZ Science & Media festival. It’s a honour being part of this rich and diverse panel. The festival will be held in the city of Halle (Saale), Germany, from 25 to 29 …

Une Vie de Renarde

Great news!“Une Vie de Renarde” will be broadcast today, April 17th, 21h on France 5 in France! Tune in if you are in France or in Europe! Watch it online here! France 5 is available across different countries. Check your channels list!

Over 11.5 Millions viewers in Japan

In  January 2023, the Ateles Films production about red foxes in the Netherlands, was broadcast on the famous NHK-1 slot “Darwin is coming’ aka ‘Darwin’s Amazing Animals”. ‘Darwin is coming’ is a 28min slot that is aimed at families during prime-time on Sundays on the first NHK public channel. This film reached an audience exceeding …

NHK Darwins Amazing Animals Ateles Films

Darwin’s Amazing Animals

It is with great pleasure to share that a new episode of the series Darwin’s Amazing Animals  shot and directed by Ateles Films will be premiered today on NHK first main Chanel.It is for us a huge archived to finally see our footage and story reaching such a large audience in Japan!!  オランダ大干拓地 キツネとガンの知恵くらべ」 22th …

Ateles Films - Ana Luisa Santos and Michael Sanderson

Webinar by Ateles Films for Pixfactory

Webinar: Wildlife Filmmaking – Stories from the Wild On 22 November 2022 at 19:30 CET, Ateles Films’ Ana Luisa Santos and Michael Sanderson will hold a webinar for Pixfactory and Sign up here About the Webinar: There are always different sides of a story. What your eyes see, what your equipment allows you to …