A Wild Fox Life
Length: 1 x 90min
Format: HD
Years of Production: 2016-2019
Produced, Directed and Written by:
Ana Luisa Santos
Michael J. Sanderson
Ana Luisa Santos
Hanjo Gaebler
Anne Vanschothorst - Harp and Soul
Friends of the Family
Production & Distribution:
Ateles Films
Premiere Broadcasts:
2019/12/26, France 5, 90' French version
2020/09/09, Servus TV, 47' Austrian version

Filmmakers Ana Luisa Santos and Michael Sanderson followed and filmed these red foxes in the Dutch nature reserve Oostvaardersplassen. In this rare wildlife film, where every animal you see is 100% wild and free from manipulation, we delve into secret lives of truly wild foxes. Here they live and behave in a world without humans where they are the top predators and scavenge carcasses of large herbivores. Hunter hunts geese with high speed chases and Red shows his paternal tenderness towards his newborn cubs. We get to know the three siblings who take different paths in becoming adults. Come and take a journey inside the skin of Hunter, who will show you her side of the story in her wild fox life.
Broadcast on Channels
Austrian Title: Füchse - Eine wilde Geschichte
Broadcast premiere date: 2020 September 09
Narrated by: Gregor Seberg

French Title: Une Vie De Renarde
Broadcast premiere date: 2019 December 26
Other dates: 2020 January 09
Narrated by: Ali Guentas
Ateles Films would like to thanks to Degreef & Partner for providing us the Lowepro equipment that we used on this production.

Stock Footage:
We have an extensive rights free 4K+ library of Red Foxes that is not currently available online.
Contact us for information.
A 4K version is available for distribution and delivery with original content in 4K+ free of rights.
Making-Of on German Television
For WDR Wunderschön Andrea Grießmann visited us during the making of "A Wild Fox Life". We were interviewed about how we filmed the foxes.
Behind of the scenes
This is a real story with true events where all the characters are pure and wild in their behaviour.